Monday, February 15, 2010

Funny Cat Jokes

Did you hear about the cat who drank 5 bowls of water? He set a new lap record.

Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool? She had mittens.

What is the difference between a cat and a comma? One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.

What do you get when you cross a chick with an alley cat? A peeping tom.

Why don't cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs.

What is a cat's favourite song? Three Blind Mice.

What did the freshman computer science major say when he was told that the work stations had mice? Don't you have a cat?

What is a cat's way of keeping law & order? Claw Enforcement.

How did a cat take first prize at the bird show? He just jumped up to the cage, reached in, and took it.

Why did a person with an unspayed female cat have to go to court? For kitty littering.

Why did the litter of communist kittens become capitalists? Because they finally opened their eyes.

Why are cats better than babies? Because you only have to change a litter box once a day.

What is the name of the unauthorized autobiography of the cat? Hiss and Tell.

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