Monday, August 23, 2010

Cats do NOT rule! Sheesh!

I can't believe Mom let that crazy Chloe take over my blog and write that dumb entry yesterday.  It's pretty clear to me that things got totally out of control while we dogs were being held prisoner at Pooches' Paradise.  I heard that the cats were running all over the house, and Charlie even went down in the basement when Mom was doing the laundry.  And during the night, the cats kept jumping on the bed while Mom was trying to sleep, and Chloe was sharpening her claws on the mattress.  Mom really needed us dogs here to protect her from all this silliness.  But now we are back, so the cats had better beware!  

Friday night there was a big storm here with lots of wind and stuff, and that made Barry and Mel really nervous.  But we all survived the storm, and Barry did not rip any of his teeth out, like he did that one time when he was being boarded during a storm.

Mom told me that she and her friends who were driving to Des Moines had to drive through a really scary part of the storm, and it rained so hard that they almost couldn't see the road sometimes.  Mom was glad that Aunt Judy was driving and not her.  By the time they got to Des Moines, it had stopped raining, so they were glad about that.  

Oh, and remember that I told you Mom would buy some plants?  Well, sure enough, I was right!  She bought 7 plants.  But they were mostly small ones and not too expensive.  Two of them were aloes, and two were hoyas, one was a haworthia, one was an echeveria, and one was a gasteria.  Just in case you wanted to know.

Last night we watched a show on the Animal Planet that was about the Great Rift Valley, which is in the east part of Africa.  There are some really deep lakes there and high mountains, and also hot springs and geysers and all kinds of weird stuff.  We  also saw a bunch of interesting animals on the show.  We saw some hippos fighting, and one of them got killed, and we saw lions and cheetahs hunting.  And we also saw vultures and pink flamingos and lots of baboons and monkeys and mountain gorillas.  Oh, and they showed some bats in a cave and some fish down in the lakes.  And there were wildebeests and buffalos and scary crocodiles.

But we did not see any basenjis.  And I think this is because they were only showing wild animals, and also because basenjis live more in the middle and west parts of Africa, instead of in the east part.

Anyway, I'm glad we don't have any crocodiles around here, because they have big mouths with lots and lots of teeth, and they could eat up a little basenji in one big chomp!

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